Trigon offers quick-start solutions in areas key to communications sector success.

- Trigon's Customer Self-Serve Website is a web-based solution for qualification and ordering of Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) services. Customer Self-Serve Website is integrated with Vitria Technology Inc.'s BusinessWare® to provide flow-through
- ordering and provisioning. The integrated solution allows wholesale and retail service providers to rapidly deploy and automate on-line ordering for DSL. Download PDF here.
Strategic Advantages
Enhanced Revenues - Resulting from faster access to orders from customers, reduced time on the phone answering questions about order status, and reduced time administering user access privileges.
Process Automation - Enables customers to manage their orders electronically, and to administer their own web access privileges, saving time and minimizing errors.
Customer Self-Serve Website includes:
- Service Availability for DSL (see separate product sheet)
- Order Management
- Self-Administration
- Service Availability is a web-enabled tool that identifies the specific Digital Subscriber Line (DSL)
- offerings available to service locations within a particular Postal Code. Download PDF here.
Strategic Advantages
Enhanced Revenues - Resulting from faster determination of service availability.
Superior OSS Integration & Flow Through - A well-defined application programming interface (API) provides for real-time integration with an internal Operational Support System (OSS).
Flexibility - Multiple Perspectives - Developed with wholesale DSL service providers in mind, Service Availibility is configured to perform differently, based on access path:
- General Inquiry on world wide web - Identifies the available products of subscribing wholesale customers and presents hot links to subscriber web sites. If service is not provided to the Postal Code location, Service Availability offers the web surfer the option of notification when service becomes available.
- From subscriber's perspective - Identifies the available products offered by the wholesale customer. If no services are available, identifies whether the whole-saler services the location.
- Number Management is an intuitive, modern tool that effectively assists a Competitive Local Exchange
- Carrier (CLEC) in managing and administering its local telephone number inventory.
Strategic Advantages
Enhanced Revenues - Resulting from faster turnaround time of telephone number assignment.
Managability - Enables staff to effectively manage entire inventory of telephone numbers.
- Extensive search options for identifying available, reserved, assigned, ported etc. calls.
- Tools to reserve and assign numbers from inventory and to manage status changes.
- Tools to manage telephone numbers that have been ported from/to other carriers.
- Set of standard reports that can be viewed online, printed, or exported.
Download Product Briefs
Number Management
Number Management Web
- LSR Gateway is an intuitive, web-enabled tool that assists DSL service providers (DLECs) in effectively managing their communications with other
- carriers as part of the process of provisioning local loops for DSL. Download PDF here.
Strategic Advantages
Enhanced Revenues - Resulting from faster turnaround time of order documents.
Process Automation - Enables staff to manage the process rather than fill out and keep track of paperwork.
Trading Partner Coverage
All features of LSR Gateway are compliant with CLOG 5.0 regulations. As well, LSR Gateway supports both manual and EFT methods of managing communications with carriers.
- Create, review, modify, and print Local Service Requests (LSRs) and resulting Local Service Confirmations (LSCs).
- Manage multiple versions of LSRs and LSCs associated with orders for local service.
- View the status of electronic file transfers (EFTs) of LSRs and LSCs between carriers.